Please email to book a package with your preferred date, time, and phone number or 603-745-7309 and leave a voicemail and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience. Please be advised, we have one full time esthetician that can do facials.
This package includes spot focused treatments that are 30 minutes each.
Spot Focus Massage
30 Minute Express Facial
25 Minute Foot Soak
60 Minute Wellness Massage
50 Minute Mountain Time Spa Facial
60 Minute Full Body Scrub (Choose between Lavender Honey, Coffee, or Brandy Pear scrub)
55 Minute Foot Soak With All Add Ons
Includes a 60 minute deep tissue aromatherapy massage with neck and shoulder focus and a 55 minute foot soak with callus removal, scrub, calf and leg massage and a moisturizing foot treatment.
60 Minute Massage
60 Minute Full Body Scrub
(Available For Online Booking Under: Refresh & Renew Package)
Instantly hydrate and protect your skin with this package created to give you a beautiful healthy glow.
60 Minute Full Body Scrub and Anti-Aging Antioxidant body wrap.
30 Minute Express Facial with Antioxidant Serum.
Begin with a same room massage followed by a revitalizing full body scrub, and then finish your day of relaxation by dipping your feet into a mineral foot soak with scrub, pumice, calf and foot massage and ending with a moisturizing foot wrap.
Mountain Time Spa LLC